Sermon Video

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Your Best Next Year

Your Best Next Year
(click for audio)

In the last message for 2012 we are invited to consider what a great next year would look like. Then, after imagining our ideal 2013, we explore 1 Timothy 6:3-21 to see how our own desires stack up against what God describes as being 'great gain' - godliness with contentment. We discover that we are often impacted to a much greater degree than we realise by the values of our culture, and many of us are chasing the same things that Jesus said "the pagans run after", wondering why we do not experience the contentment and joy that we long for. We are encouraged to make a better choice in 2013 - to show the truth that real life is only found in Jesus by pursuing intimacy with Him as our life's greatest ambition and source of our deepest joy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

God Breaks His Silence

In the time of the prophet Malachi God answered people who struggled with the question of why He is seemingly silent while evil people prosper and the prayers of the righteous go unanswered. At that time God promised to come and make things right. This coming would be preceded by a messenger - Elijah the prophet - who would prepare the people to receive Him. 400 years passed and if anything things have gotten worse. Where is God? Why do the evil still prosper and the righteous still struggle? Suddenly God broke His silence in dramatic fashion. Luke 1:5-25 describes for us the way God remained true to all His promises and teaches us to put our faith in God who can do anything and will always remember His people. He continues to act not in our time but in His perfect time for His good purposes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to Have a Christ Centred Christmas

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In this message we take a brief look at the top 4 Christmas stresses identified by a recent UK poll. In contrast, we take a look at 4 responses to Christ that we see demonstrated by each of the characters described in Luke chapter 2. We find that celebrating Christmas the way our society does it can be enormously stressful and leave us dissatisfied despite all we've invested. However if we learn from the example of the first people to experience Christmas, we find it can fills our lives with joy, peace and hope that is infectious. What kind of Christmas will you choose, and how will you protect it from the influence of a society determined to kick Christ out of Christmas?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Many Faces of Jesus

When Peter proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah he was expressing a truth that had been revealed to him by God. However soon after as Jesus was explaining how He would fulfill His mission to save the world it was Peter who tried to correct Jesus, thinking He had it all wrong? Peter's understanding of who Jesus is was not yet complete. He had an idea of Jesus as the conquering King, God's anointed leader, but he had no grasp of the suffering Servant, God's appointed saviour. Similarly to Peter, we can have ideas about Jesus that do not embrace all of who He is. In fact, we can turn our ideas of Jesus into an idol rather than knowing and serving Him in truth. If we want to experience the abundant life only found in Jesus - if we want to bear good spiritual fruit and be confident of eternal life in Him - we must believe in the real Jesus, not a lesser Jesus or an alternative Jesus.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Forgiveness: Learning to Let Go

In Matthew 18 we read of Jesus instructing His disciples about how to deal with issues in their relationships with others that arise when someone sins against them. In response, Peter asks how often they should forgive such as person. The response from Jesus is a powerful story which completely transforms the way we see people and the sins they commit against us, and it's all in response to the way that God has chosen to treat us.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

7 Marks of an Effective Confession

Confession is an essential part of getting rid of the sin in our lives and healing the damage in our relationships. In this message we look at the characteristics of an effective confession and remind ourselves that confession should be a normal part of our relationship with God and with others.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Getting to the Heart of the Issue

Why do we argue and fight? Why do we lay awake at night stewing over what people have said or done or trying to work out what we're going to do about something? The answer according to James 4 is the desires that are within our hearts. It's because of what matters to us. In fact, when some things matter too much it can get a little ugly! We explore what the Bible says in James chapter 4 and Philippians chapter 4 about handling the conflicts that arise because of competing desires. There's nothing wrong with having desires - life would be pretty bland without them! However when desires go to war - growing from desires into demands - that's when we have a problem. Thankfully, it's a problem that God has the solution for!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Conflict: Crisis or Opportunity?

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Most of us tend to treat conflict as a crisis. We focus on the dangers that it poses to us and our relationships with others.  We feel the tension of trying to get what we want while someone is blocking our way, or we struggle to stand up for ourselves and what we think is best when someone else is trying to get their own way!
What if instead of seeing conflict as a crisis and a struggle we instead saw it as an opportunity?  Conflict provides us with some unique ways that we can glorify God, grow to be more like Him, help others do the same and finally, to find new ways of working and living together in unity of spirit and purpose.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

In Case of Emergency

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Knowing that our time is limited heightens our sense of urgency to spread the Gospel. It’s always an emergency. Jesus said He’d return at a date unknown. In the mean time, our attitude ought to be one of diligent prayer, generous love & hospitality no matter the cost. All that we have belongs to God, for us to wisely use for the blessing of others & the glory of God. Sometimes it hurts to love & to give, but the trick is to not care that it hurts. Jesus didn’t care how much it hurt Him to die for us.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Reborn Identity

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When a disciple of Jesus chooses to live by God’s standards, rather than the way of the world, others don’t understand. Often those who we used to associate with will try to persuade a Christian to return to an old lifestyle that doesn’t challenge the unbelieving friends & relatives. The good news for the Christian is that they are free to follow the guidance of God’s Spirit, rather than the values of the world. Free to explore a new identity & a new purpose for living.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Victory of Christ in a World Gone Bad

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As we continue to explore 1 Peter 3 we see how God has woven the themes of the letter together to help us understand how to live in a world which seems increasingly hostile to Him. The closing verses of 1 Peter 3 contain some things which are hard to understand with certainty, yet they serve an overall message which is clear and important. 
Peter refers to the story of Noah to help us make sense of the times in which we live and to assure us that our deliverance is certain. At the same time, this means that judgment of evil is also certain, so we find ourselves in a position of needing to warn those around us to be ready for that day.  Jesus has won, His rule has begun and a time is coming when it will be made complete as he returns to make all things new.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How Should We Respond When People Hurt Us?

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As Peter moves back into the subject of suffering he gives us three great principles to keep in mind when people hurt us: 
  1. Remember God is close to those who suffer and that He is mighty to save. 
  2. Don't respond in kind. Don't return evil for evil, insult for insult. If we do that we destroy the fellowship with God that can sustain us and we frustrate the good work that God intends to perform. 
  3. Be ready to share the reason for our hope. 
Our response to suffering proves the reality that our hope is grounded in something bigger than anything of this world. Those around us need that kind of hope too. As an example of these principles Peter refers to an incident in the life of David before he became king of Israel, which is the subject of Psalm 34. It's a great encouragement to all of us and even contains a hint of the greater example who was (at that stage) yet to come - Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


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What does it mean for us to have the same attitude as the Apostle Paul, who was prepared for be all things to all people in order that some might be saved. We ask ourselves where the people are that need to hear the gospel, what questions are they asking and how do we best communicate in ways that connect to where they are at now.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Running the Race of Life

We conclude our Family Celebration Service with a short message from Hebrews 12:1-3, which urges us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles in order that we may run with perseverance the race Christ has marked out for us.
Brendan is trying to run the race of life, but he finds himself caught up in ropes that he needs some help getting freed from.  His friend Mike lends him a hand, and they discover that there are some things (sins) that are always wrong.  They need to be avoided at all costs and we need to confess and turn away from the ones we already have in our lives.  However there are also things that are not wrong in themselves, but they can hinder us if we have the wrong attitude toward them.  We need to be careful where our true focus and priorities lie, and regularly check our lifestyle to make sure that we are not pursuing the wrong things.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Women of Inner Beauty

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As Peter urges Christians to stand firm against their own inner desires and the pressure to conform to an ungodly world so that they may truly live for Christ, he turns his attention to address some of the particular challenges faced by wives. God's instructions regarding submission are read in our culture as unattractive, unfair and abusive; yet when godly leadership and godly submission are understood and practiced they actually unlock tremendous strength and intimacy in marriage as in all the other areas of life in which they are prescribed by God as His pattern for living and relating.

You might like to check out 'The Story of Ian and Larissa' which we viewed beforehand and referred to during the message.  You'll be moved by their journey.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Men of Understanding

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On Father's day we take some time to consider the radical challenges of 1 Peter 3:7. We discover some principles for relationships that are applied in the New Testament to all people as we seek to become more like Jesus, but on several occasions they are applied specifically to husbands. The challenge is to resist our own sinful desires and external pressures in order to become men of understanding who treat wives - and people in general - with respect as co-heirs in God's gracious gift of life.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

God Calls

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In the last of our messages in August focusing on global mission, Ross Burton challenges us to follow the example of Abraham in not only being available but obedient to God's call.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Becoming a Sending Church

Becoming a Sending Church
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After hearing some stories from church members involved in mission overseas and locally, we take a look at the call of Barnabas and Paul to embark on their first missionary journey from the church in Antioch in Acts 13. We notice some characteristics of their call which give us great guidance when it comes to being prepared to hear and respond to God's specific call to us.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rebuilding Broken Lives

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Guest speaker Nigel Merrick brings us a challenge from the book of Nehemiah for how we can approach the work of rebuilding broken lives. The practical wisdom of Nehemiah's approach in rebuilding broken down walls provides a great example for us as we seek to see lives, families and communities restored to the glory that God intended but which has been lost due to our sinfulness.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The One Who Gives Shall Receive

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In the first of our Mission Month series, guest speaker Leroy Randall challenges us from Proverbs 11:25 - "He who waters others shall himself be watered". The truth of this text is demonstrated in the way that God has designed the very workings of nature as well as in human relationships. Will we give of ourselves for the blessing of others, trusting God to provide what we need? When we step out in faith to bless others with the gospel in word and deed we discover that we can do far more than we expected; that we receive more than we give; and that most importantly, we have the joy of becoming more like Jesus.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Made in His Image

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Guest speaker Daniel Viljoen from the Bethanie Group shares with us some of the fundamental principles that undergird their ministry to the elderly. We are all made in the image of God, and when we serve others not only do we have the privilege of being Christ's ambassadors but we also discover something of God in others which can greatly enrich our own lives.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Continuing the Journey

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As we wrap up our "One Step Closer" series we explore some very practical ways that we can take to make sure that we are continuing to move closer to maturity in Jesus, one step at a time. The Apostle Paul described his own ministry of preaching, teaching and praying for people as his earnest effort to help them move toward perfection in Christ. He also urged believers to "aim for perfection" (2 Cor 13:11).

What does it mean for us to aim for perfection, taking practical steps to make sure that we are not just hearing the Word but putting it into practice in our lives? We look at 6 simple things we can do to be faithful disciples of Christ who are receiving His truth, experiencing His life and following His way.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Walking the Walk

One Step Closer pt 3:
(click for audio)

In Luke 9:23-26 Jesus speaks some stern words of warning about judgement to come. They are not easy words to hear nor are they easy to repeat, but they are words of eternal life for those who will listen.
In these verses Jesus warns people who reject His lordship and try to live on their own terms that the end result will be judgement resulting in eternal separation from God - what the book of Revelation calls "the second death". 

As Jesus explained in Matthew 7, there are people who claim to be 'religious' and even do great things in His name but yet do not personally know Him and have not received eternal life from Him. They rely on their own works instead of trusting in what Jesus has done for us. They seek to control their own lives and pursue their own sinful desires instead of living a new life with Christ as Lord. Genuine followers of Jesus are people who have been converted - they have believed the truth about Jesus, received new life from Him and now live differently as a result. 

The second warning is to those who have received eternal life through faith in Him, yet have held back from living out that life and speaking about Jesus among those who do not yet believe. They are ones who are ashamed of Jesus and His words, even though by them they have received eternal life.
To these people Jesus says that while they will inherit eternal life they will do as ones of whom He is ashamed, ones who have selfishly kept their wonderful salvation to themselves instead of sharing it with others.
As we explore these passages we are again reminded that it is one thing to talk a good talk, but if we want to be sure of our salvation and if we want to be confident of how we will be received by Jesus when we stand before Him, the essential thing is to know that in this life we have also 'walked the walk'.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Life Within

One Step Closer pt 2:
New Life Within
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2 Corinthians 5:1-21

What does it mean to receive life from Jesus? 

In this message from 2 Corinthians 5:1-21 we look at the complete confidence we can have in our glorification - the new bodies and new existence we will enjoy for all eternity with Christ. 

We also discover that as we learn to live by the Spirit we experience an ever-increasing taste of what that glorious new reality will be like, because in this world we are becoming more like Him.  This not only grows our confidence in the certainty of our glorification, but also makes us effective ambassadors of Jesus to the world. The daily challenge for us then is to choose to live by the Spirit instead of by our sinful desires.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Power of Godly Convictions

One Step Closer pt 1
(click for audio)
John 14:1-27

How can we be moving step by step closer to maturity in Jesus? How can we be helping people around us move closer to being fully alive in Jesus?

That is the central question of church life. It is the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

We begin by looking at Jesus' statement in John 14:6, which identifies three things we need to receive from Jesus in order to be growing in Him and helping others to do the same: we need to know Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life. As we look at the story behind this statement, we discover the tension felt by the disciples - Jesus is going back to the Father, so how are they going to receive these things from Him?

Jesus reassures them by explaining the ministry of the Holy Spirit. In this message we concentrate on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in enabling us to fix our eyes on Jesus and receive His truth. As we develop godly convictions we are transformed so that we are different and we live differently. Godly convictions produce godly character and godly conduct, enabling us to become more like Jesus and more effective in helping others do the same.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pass It On

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Outward evidence of an inner change that has God as it's source.

That's what we want to be seeing in the lives of the people in our church family. A growing maturity in our relationship with God impacts the maturity of our inner life and flows on to impact our relationships with others.

Monday, June 18, 2012

No Superheroes Required

No Superheroes Required
(click for audio)

As we celebrate our participation in this year's State Youth Games, we reflect on the significance of our slogan: No Superheroes Required. From 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 we are reminded of the power that God has given all of us to point people to the only hero we need - our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A People of Partnership

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Building on the foundation of what we've discovered in 1 Peter about what it means to be people of praise, purity and peace, this message explores how we are now able to work together in harmony in the commission that Christ gave the church - to make disciples. We are reminded of the importance of a right relationship with God and with each other which stems from healthy heart attitudes, and we take the opportunity to do some heart checking to see if there are things that God wants to deal with in us which prevent us from true partnership with each other.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A People of Peace

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1 Peter 2:18-25

All of us know what it's like to live with tension in relationships.  Whether that tension is produced by the dynamics of authority and submission (as was the case for slaves and masters in today's text or whether it comes from other causes, the heart attitudes that enable us to live as a People of Peace remain the same.

Peter challenges us first to trust God, which enables us to stop striving for control ourselves and experience the peace that comes from relying on His sovereignty & goodness.
Secondly we are challenged to "live for righteousness".  What does that look like?  Jesus summed it up with the command to love God with everything we are and to love others as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-38).

In this message we ask the Holy Spirit to diagnose the condition of our hearts to see whether we are trusting God completely in our circumstances in order to be free to love God and love others as God would have us do.  In keeping with Hebrews 4:12-13, we explore the importance of allowing God to deal with the attitudes of our hearts that get in the way of trust and love.  As we do this, we can become a people of peace with God, peace within as well as peace with others.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A People of Purity

A People of Purity
(click for Audio)
1 Peter 2:11-17

In a world where wealth & comfort are most people's highest priorities, the challenge for Christ's followers is to disprove that idea and to make the message of the Gospel attractive through our conduct. How do we make that which seems good (prosperity) taste bad and make what seems unpalatable (the Gospel) taste good? The answer is in our purity, our humility and our honesty.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A People of Praise

Studies in the Letter of 1 Peter pt 14:
(click for audio)
1 Peter 2:4-10

What does it mean to be a people of praise?  

If you ask someone what good 'worship' looks like, what sort of responses are you likely to get?

In this passage the Apostle Peter describes Christians collectively in language that is meant to bring to mind the worship of Israel at the temple in Jerusalem.  It is meant to remind us of the mantle that we have inherited of being God's representatives to the world, and why it is that we have inherited that role.  

The forms of worship at the temple continued in full swing as Peter wrote this letter.  The impressive stones still stood.  The physical grandeur of the temple and it's surroundings was still awe-inspiring - in fact the grand improvements by Herod were in their final stages.  The priests were still offering sacrifices, the choirs and orchestras still singing and playing, the massive crowds still attending and participating.

But God had rejected all of it.


Because they had rejected Him.  Christ had come and had been rejected by those who should have recognised Him.  The One they should have worshipped was instead handed over to be crucified.

The solemn reminder for us is that it is very easy to continue in the forms of worship and think that we are truly worshipping.  It is easy to be a people of music, or of liturgy, or of preaching, or of good works, yet to fail to live up to the calling of being a people of praise, a chosen people and a royal priesthood.

The only way to live up to that calling is for us to keep Christ at the center of who we are and what we do.  When we do that, genuine praise overflows in many different forms that all testify to the majesty and grace of our God to His glory, our enjoyment and the salvation of those who believe.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Crave the Word

(click for audio)
1 Peter 2:1-3
As we celebrate Mother's Day we are reminded of what the powerful image that God has built into Motherhood as an illustration of how His Children should relate Him. Just as a newborn baby craves his or her mother's milk, so we - as people who have been given new life through the Word - also by nature crave the pure milk of God's Word to sustain and grow that new life. Just as a mother loves to satisfy the cravings of her children so God loves to satisfy the craving of our souls through the intimate connection He shares with us through His Spirit.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

(click for audio)
1 Peter 1:17-25 

Fear of God is not the opposite of His love. Love with respect leads to healthy fear. It’s better to fear God’s displeasure than to suffer the anger of any number of people. God is angry at injustice & anything that keeps people from experiencing His love. Holiness is important because life is short, God is our judge, and the blood of Jesus is so precious. God paid the highest possible price to grant freedom to His children. The works which we were made to do will bear fruit, and earn us a reward in Heaven.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Different but Different

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1 Peter 1:13-17.

Setting our hope on the grace to come means being ready for action, and free from distraction.
Because Jesus’ disciples are the children of God, their values, motivations & rewards are different from the rest of the world. To be holy means to be excellent in act & morality, and to be different in our attitude. Knowing the truth of God’s love, the return of Jesus and the judgment of God motivates His followers to live a holy life – not necessarily doing different things, but doing things differently.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The "Aha!" Moment

On Easter Sunday we reflect on the glorious salvation that Peter has been describing in the first 9 verses of 1 Peter chapter 1. He goes on to say that the prophets who prophesied of the messiah would have loved to have known how their prophecies would all come together in fulfilment - so many of them appeared contradictory, as though they must talk about different people. 

We go back to Luke 24 to witness the moments when some of Jesus' followers finally understood all that He did in order to fulfil the all the Scriptures and achieve our salvation. It was much more incredible than anyone had imagined, which is why decades later Peter still overflows with enthusiasm and praise to God for what He has done through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hope in Hardship

In the wonderful hymn of praise that we find in 1 Peter 1:3-9 we discover the source of joy that never fades away regardless of what our circumstances may be. That joy is rooted in the inheritance that is kept safe in heaven for us; and the fact that we are kept safe the limitless power of God until the time when we receive that inheritance from Him. In this message we remind ourselves of the assurance we have of God's grace that we access through faith; and we discover the value of trials which cause our faith to be refined and displayed to God's increasing glory; our benefit and the blessing of those our lives touch.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Raising a Godly Generation

On a day in which our church is celebrating God's gift of children, we particularly apply the truths of 1 Peter 1:4 to our role as a church family and as members of human families. How are we helping our children to grab hold of a living hope which is imperishable, incorruptibe and unfading? How do we help our children to engage meaningfully with their church, and how do we live out our faith as families so that our children are being trained in being disciples of Christ and disciple-makers for Christ?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Have You Been Born Again?

(click for Audio) 

In 1 Peter 1:3 the Apostle Peter overflows with praise to God for His wonderful gift of "new birth into a living hope". 

What is this new birth all about, and why is it so important for us? We reflect back on Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus, where He said that unless a person is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.  As we explore further in the New Testament we are reminded that our salvation - the gift of eternal life - is something that is completely out of reach for us. However God in his great mercy has made it available to each of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. By believing in Him we trade in our old life - a life under the burden of sin and death and facing inevitable judgement - and we receive new life in which we are reconciled to God, freed from the control of sin and rescued from judgement. 

God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world, but to save all those who will accept this wonderful gift of His mercy.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Experiencing God's Abundant Grace and Peace

(click for Audio)

1 Peter 1:2f

Would you rather be popular or influential? (from last week)

Or as our text in 1 Peter would say, have you “been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood”?

Each of the people in that clip experienced what it’s like to be chosen by God, transformed by the inner work of the Spirit so that we are set apart to do what Jesus has commanded, which is to be disciples and make disciples.

In exploring these verses we have uncovered some wonderful truths about God and about us:

Truth about Me: I do not belong here, I am a citizen of Heaven!
Truth about God: God works out everything for His good purposes.
Truth about me: Every part of my journey in this life has an eternal purpose.  I am part of God’s big story.
Truth about Me: God has placed His Spirit within me to help me live as a citizen of Heaven instead of a citizen of this world.  He helps me to bring the Kingdom of Heaven into contact with people who need to join it!
Truth about God: In Jesus, God has paid the price that purchased my salvation.  He has carried the punishment for my sin – past, present and future.
Truth about me: In gratitude for what Jesus has done for me and realising the impact of my sin upon Him; I turn away from my sin and choose to live in obedience to Him.
Transforming Truth: Instead of seeking to protect ourselves or pursue our own blessing; we now trust God for His protection and blessing and pursue obedience to Him instead.

Next words:Grace and peace be yours in abundance”. (1 Pet. 1:2ff)

Grace and Peace will never be yours in abundance so long as you are trying to protect yourself or pursue your own blessing.

If you try to protect yourself from ridicule, from failure, from financial hardship, from loneliness or any form of persecution - you will never be free from fear and worry.  You will never be free to do what you ought to do because you will be too afraid of the potential consequences.

If you try to pursue for yourself the blessings of great relationships, wonderful experiences, good health, financial prosperity and whatever else independent of God, the results will never satisfy.  You could experience some measure of success and become proud.  You could experience some measure of disappointment and become frustrated.  Regardless, you will ultimately discover that nothing you achieve for yourself can ever measure up to the abundance of what God wanted to give you.

You might achieve prosperity but struggle with your relationships.  You might achieve great relationships but struggle with your health.  You might be on the way to achieving everything you ever wanted and find that some crisis takes it all away.

No matter how hard you work you will never obtain for yourself the abundant grace and peace that God has chosen to give us.

I want to share something of my own story today in order to help all of us reflect on these truths and apply to them to the everyday situations of our lives.

Example: Our family and the desire to own a house (I know I’ve talked with you about this before, but it’s a good illustration of the principles we’re talking about today!)  That desire can become a fixation – trawling the internet, constantly reviewing our finances to see what we can squeeze out of our budget…

Is there anything wrong with that desire?  No!
Is there anything wrong with pursuing it ourselves?  Yes!!

1.      Because we have been purchased by the death of Christ on our behalf, we am not our own.  He has the right to tell us where and how to live.  If we pursue our own blessing in terms of a house of our own, we are not allowing Him to direct us.  Jesus is Lord in name but not in truth in our lives.

2.      Because we can trust that if God directs us to buy a house that He will take care of providing for it.  It is not for us to worry, it is for us to obey.  At the right time God will make a way if it is what He wills for us. 

3.      Because if we pursue owning a house outside of God’s will, we are effectively controlled by debt instead of by God.  We will be forced to make decisions based on obligation to a mortgage instead of an obligation to God.  If we are serious about wanting to influence others for God’s Kingdom by doing the good works God prepared in advance for us to do, we can’t be saddling ourselves with other works that were not in God’s good plan.  I don’t mind working hard, I just want to make sure I’m working hard at the right things!

Are mortgages wrong?  No way, but only if they are in God’s will for you.  Many of you have earnestly sought God’s will and He’s led you in that direction. 

But Romans 14:23 reminds us that “everything that does not come from faith is sin.”  In other words, if you have even a suspicion that God does not want you to do something, don’t do it!  It doesn’t matter if everybody else in our society tells you to do it.  It doesn’t matter if your own heart is drawn to it.  We have been chosen by God through the sanctification of the spirit for obedience to Christ and sprinkling by His blood.  Put God first, and everything else will follow.  Grace and Peace will be yours in abundance.

I’ve heard the stories of young people who have wanted to train for ministry or to serve God overseas who have been put under tremendous pressure by Christian family and friends to first set themselves up financially – to think of their future.  What a terrible thing to do to people trying to live by faith in God – in effect urging them to sin by disobeying the call of God!

A little while ago I allowed myself to drift into the sin of envy.  As I was driving around I looked at the houses being built or established ones that caught my eye and I wished I could have one.  I wished I could provide something like that for my family.  I thought about the houses & properties that others in our church have and I felt a tinge of jealousy.

I even looked back over the course of my married life and regretted that we had not taken the plunge and purchased or built a house before the boom hit WA and prices soared out of our reach. 

I was at risk of becoming like the Israelites who grumbled against God after He’d rescued them from Egypt. 

Envy is not a smart sin – not that any sin is smart!
Usually the things we envy are not actually what we think them to be.  Often the people we are jealous of are not as happy as we suppose.  In any case, envy destroys our relationship with those we are envious of.  It takes away our ability to be happy for them when things go well for them.  It causes us to secretly rejoice at their misfortune – the exact opposite of what we are told to do in Scripture and what love produces.  It causes us to be resentful and to even start trying to sabotage them so that we can feel like for once we have the upper hand.  Envy is poison.  God gave the command “Do not covet” for very good reason.

But the real problem with envy is that it completely disrespects God.  God is our provider and as we have already studied He is in charge of everything.  To be envious of others is to grumble against God.

As I reflected on the housing issue I realised that in all honesty I would not want to swap what God has given us for the things that I want.  I wouldn’t swap our part-time ministry in Busselton for a better paying job.  I wouldn’t swap going to the church in Narembeen with a manse in order to go to a different church that paid more.  The blessings that came with those ministries are far too precious for us to despise them.  Obedience to Jesus is far more important than any alternative.

As I began to reflect on these things my envy was replaced by thanksgiving, because God has been and always will be very good to us.  We lack nothing.  We’ve been given blessings in this life and the next that we in no way deserve.  Grace and peace have been ours in abundance.

Is there an area of your life which you have not yet submitted to the Lordship of Christ?  Is there an area of your life where you have not yet allowed the Holy Spirit to set you apart for God?  Is there an area of your life in which you are not abiding by the covenant that was established for you by the blood of Jesus?

I’ve spoken today about one area of my family’s life that could easily pull us away from whole-hearted obedience to Christ.  I could have shared about a number of other issues in my own life – areas in which my service to God in being a disciple and making disciples has been undermined because I’ve tried to protect myself from rejection or ridicule or I’ve pursued things outside of God’s will.  I don’t want that to be the story of my life and I’m sure you don’t either.  What do you need to hand over to Him today?

What are the things that have provoked your heart to envy?
What are the causes of worry?
What is the root of bitterness?

What are the things that you try to protect yourself from or the things you pursue outside of God’s will?

It’s time to hand them over.
It’s time to experience Grace and Peace in abundance.

I’ve spoken with quite a few people over the last few weeks on this very issue.

In every case it was a different thing that needed to be handed over.  A different way of protecting themselves.  A different blessing being pursued.  I don’t doubt that every single one of us has a story to tell in this area.  None of us are perfect.

The one thing in common with the stories I’ve heard is that handing it over to God is rarely easy.  If you’ve been terrified of rejection your whole life you don’t just stop.  If you’ve been seeking security in material possessions you don’t just stop.  If you’ve been chasing recognition from others to make you feel OK about yourself you don’t just stop.  If you’ve been trapped in guilty obsession with lustful thoughts you don’t just stop.  It’s beyond us to do that.

That’s why we’re not rushing through these opening verses of 1 Peter.

We need to take our time and apply them to our lives.

Last month we talked about the sanctification of the Spirit – the work that God does to separate us for His own purposes, to separate us from our sin.

One of the three types of sanctification is progressive sanctification – it’s what God does bit by bit to purify us and help us to live as obedient children who experience His blessing.

That is a work that the Holy Spirit will do in you today if you allow Him.  Sometimes He helps us to change drastically in one big step as we hand an area of our life over to Him.  We experience a change that we could never have produced ourselves.  One moment we are controlled by a particular habit, addiction, person or whatever – and then God just changes us.

Sometimes He leads us on a process of gradual change, teaching us vital lessons along the way that can’t be learnt quickly.

Both of these are OK and only God knows which is needed for you right now.

But you don’t have to pretend to be perfect.  If the Holy Spirit is convicting you of something that needs to change in your life, respond to Him today.

Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Handing things over to Jesus can be hard, but I’ve never met anyone who regretted doing it.  Give up the things that burden you.  Give up the things you chase.  It may be scary but you will find rest for your soul.  You will be freed to live a life of obedience and blessing.

My prayer for us is that we will increasingly be shaped by God to have a profound influence on those around us for their salvation – just like the people in the video clip did in their own unique ways.  I pray that we will trust God for protection and blessing and instead pursue obedience to Jesus Christ our Lord; that we will do as He commands – that we will be disciples and make disciples – and not let anything else get in the way.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Would You Rather Be Popular or Influential?

From Paul's challenge to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:11-16 we look at the difference between a pursuit of popularity and the investment in influence. One emphasises external conformity, the other internal character. One is all about us, the other is all about God and others. One is temporary, the other eternal. Regardless of how much we try, we won't all be popular, but we can all be influential. God has prepared in advance good works for us to do. He has promised to produce good fruit through those who remain connected to Him. What would you rather be: popular or influential.

Monday, February 20, 2012


1 Peter 1:2c

Peter the Apostle opens his first letter with a reminder that Christians are chosen by God, to obey God for His special purposes. God secured the covenant with Israel by the blood of bulls, but the new covanant was made with Jesus' blood. The graphic & costly nature of this sacrifice proves God's love for us, and the security we have to discover the specific calling He places on each of our lives. The more we remember the price God paid for our lives, the more grateful we are that He chose us. We are not chosen because we're special - we're special because we're chosen.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sanctified through the Spirit

In part 4 of our series in 1 Peter we continue to explore the glorious salvation that we have been given as Peter describes it in the first 2 verses of his letter. In this message we study what it means to be sanctified through the Holy Spirit. We discover 3 aspects of sanctification: Positional, Progressive and Perfect. It may sound like theological jargon but understanding these concepts makes a massive difference to the way we live each day and the priorities that drive what we do together as a church.

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Sanctified Through the Spirit
1 Peter 1:1b-9

Start of the new school term means the start of many of our activities.  So what’s happening?
·    Previously Fri - Y started
·    Last Sunday - celebration of the Talibon trip & our ongoing partnership
·    Last Sunday - Sarah Palmer’s baptism in front of family and friends
·    Monday - Men’s Shed 1st week.  Building Relationships (Keith sharing life story)
·    Wednesday - Toddler Jam 1st week.
·    Thursday - 1st week back for the craft group.  This term they’re making welcome packs for new residents of Kingsley Lodge.
·    Saturday morning - 1st men’s ministry event for the year, a bbq at the Mullane’s house.

All of these events have something in common - they are things that we do in order to share the message of our salvation or to prepare for opportunities to share the message of our salvation.


·    Because salvation through Jesus Christ is something worth sharing.
·    Because Life in Jesus is life worth living.
·    Because Hope in Jesus is hope worth having.

I was at an event on Friday where it was observed that while people in Australia are materially rich we are for the most part emotionally, relationally and spiritually poor. 

Many people feel isolated.  Many people feel depressed.  Many people are stressed out.  Many people feel like there should be more to life, and they’re right!

The Church must shine like a beacon in the midst of the gloom as our lives show that there is more.  There is unshakeable and inexhaustible love, joy, peace, hope, security, acceptance, purpose all found in Jesus Christ our Lord. 

How well are we demonstrating the glory of our salvation?

How well are you demonstrating the glory of your salvation to those around you?

Don’t take that question as a guilt trip, take it as an invitation.

Consider afresh with me today how wonderful our salvation is so that this week it may overflow from you to others.


Truths from Last Week:

·    Truth about Me: I do not belong here, I am a citizen of Heaven!  Nothing here has a hold on me (no problem, person, circumstance, desire…)
·    Truth about God: God works out everything for His good purposes.
·    Truth about me: Every part of my journey in this life has an eternal purpose.  I am part of God’s big story.

Just think about these glorious truths of our salvation shape our lives.  How are you going to react this week when your boss or a family member is being unreasonable?  Are you going to strike back, sulk about it, complain to an ally, lie in wait for revenge?  No!!  You’ll remember that even in that moment God has an eternal purpose and you play a part in it.  You’re going to show patience, love, forgiveness, submission, peace… all by the power of God for His glory, bearing witness to His grace that may even reach the heart of that person and be part of bringing them to faith or causing them to grow in faith.

The truths we explore today will help this type of scenario become your normal experience of life as we discover salvation principles that lead to transformed living.

Text: 1 Peter 1:1-2

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To God’s elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance. [1]

Last week we talked about what it means to be chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.  What does it mean that we are also chosen through the sanctifying work of the Spirit?

To be sanctified simply means to be set apart.  It means to be separated from some things and to be joined to others.  In our case, it means to be separated from sin and joined to God and His people.

In order to properly explain what this looks like I need to describe to you the three facets of sanctification.

  1. Positional Sanctification.
    This is simply where you stand.  You are a citizen of Heaven.  You were made part of God’s Kingdom when you believed in Christ, accepting His lordship over your life.  At that moment you received the Holy Spirit who marks you out as a citizen of Heaven.

    Eph 1:13-14
    And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,   who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

  2. Perfect Sanctification.
    Ephesians 1:14 made reference to the fact that the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is a sure guarantee that we will inherit God’s Kingdom when He comes for those who belong to Him.

    This is perfect sanctification.  At that time God will transform us so that we will no longer struggle with sin and the effects of sin.  He will create a new heavens and earth (Rev 21) which will be completely good - no longer suffering under the curse God spoke in Genesis chapter 3.  All evil and suffering will be separated from it in what the Bible describes as the lake of fire - a place described using various images in the Bible which all convey it’s misery.  We usually simply call it “Hell”. 

    God will also separate those of His kingdom from those who have rejected Him.  Those who reject Christ will suffer eternal separation from God in Hell, while those who have received eternal life in Him will experience the full blessing of His goodness for all eternity.

    That’s perfect sanctification.  I hope it’s clear to you that you want to be on the right side of that separation.  You want to make sure that the people around you are on the right side of that separation.

    In his second letter contained in Scripture the Apostle Peter reminds us that God “is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
    (2 Peter 3:9)

    I hope you have brought God great pleasure in accepting His offer of salvation in Jesus and that you are now engaged in the work of holding out that offer to people around you, so that they may repent (turn around, change direction, change destiny) and may enjoy eternal life with you.

    It is very easy to fall into the habit of just wanting to be around people like us.  People who think the same and live the same.  Christians sometimes live as though God has already separated them from those who don’t follow Christ in the perfect sense that we’re talking about here.  He hasn’t.  In fact, the opposite is true. 

  3. Progressive Sanctification
    Listen to what Jesus prayed for His disciples in
    John 17:15-18
    My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.   Sanctify  them by the truth; your word is truth.   As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.

    These words of Jesus are a great summary of progressive sanctification.  It’s what God does to make us more like Jesus - to live more and more as citizens of Heaven - so that we can share His heart for the lost and so we can represent Him to the lost.

    Most of us here today are citizens of Australia, yet we don’t always obey Australia’s laws.  We mess up sometimes. 

    That’s what it’s like as citizens of Heaven too.  We don’t always live as citizens of Heaven ought to live.  But as the Holy Spirit works in us, teaching us through God’s Word and helping us to live it out in daily life, we show our citizenship by our conduct.

    Remember how Philippians 2 describes it?
    It talks about us as shining like stars in the universe as we hold out the word of life (Php 2:15-16).

    Last week Colin shared with us the wonderful words of the Apostle Paul who said to the Corinthian believers “For the love of Christ compels us…”.  His whole ministry - with all of the suffering that came with it - came out of that motivation. 

    The more you are changed to be like Jesus the more you will live like Jesus.  You will not give in to fear or selfishness that has you pulling back from those who most need to see and hear the truth.  You will not give in to the sinful desires in you  that would have you join with people in their sin.  On the contrary, you will invest yourself in relationship with others in ways that give them a taste of the goodness of God.  That’s progressive sanctification.

    Jesus said in Matthew 5:14-16
    “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.   In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

    We need to be in proximity to people; and our lives need to shine brightly with the truth of Jesus.

Application - what are church services for?
Why do we get together each Sunday and at various other times?

There are lots of reasons and lots of good reasons.  Two of the most common priorities people have in coming to church are to
1.      Worship God, and 
2.      enjoy fellowship with each other.  

Those are both great reasons to come to church.  But let’s apply what we’ve just studied.

When perfect sanctification occurs our worship of God and fellowship with each other is going to go to a whole new level and it will never end.  It’s going to be amazing!

However there is something that we are supposed to do together that will not be happening in Heaven.  We are supposed to be being changed to be like Jesus and sent out into the world to be His ambassadors.  We are supposed to be giving people who join us every opportunity to hear and respond to the message of salvation.  Perfect sanctification is for the future, positional and progressive sanctification are for now!

When perfect sanctification occurs our opportunity to save the lost will be gone. 

Friends do not neglect the sanctification through the Spirit that God has chosen to work in you.

Let God through His Spirit convict you of the truth of Jesus’ death on the cross for your sins and His resurrection for your eternal life.  By believing in Jesus you will become a citizen of Heaven.

If you are already a citizen of Heaven allow God’s Spirit to help you to live like one!  Don’t conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Rom 12:2).

Remember that God is holding off perfect sanctification so don’t you try to manufacture it.  Don’t withdraw into a Christian ghetto where you feel more at home.

Be changed to have God’s heart for the lost, and have a firm hold of God’s truth for their salvation.

Truth about me: God has placed His Spirit within me to help me live as a citizen of Heaven instead of a citizen of this world.  He helps me to bring the Kingdom of Heaven into contact with people who need to join it!

[1]All Scriptures from The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.