Sermon Video

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How Should We Respond When People Hurt Us?

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As Peter moves back into the subject of suffering he gives us three great principles to keep in mind when people hurt us: 
  1. Remember God is close to those who suffer and that He is mighty to save. 
  2. Don't respond in kind. Don't return evil for evil, insult for insult. If we do that we destroy the fellowship with God that can sustain us and we frustrate the good work that God intends to perform. 
  3. Be ready to share the reason for our hope. 
Our response to suffering proves the reality that our hope is grounded in something bigger than anything of this world. Those around us need that kind of hope too. As an example of these principles Peter refers to an incident in the life of David before he became king of Israel, which is the subject of Psalm 34. It's a great encouragement to all of us and even contains a hint of the greater example who was (at that stage) yet to come - Jesus Christ.