Sermon Video

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A People of Peace

(click for audio)
1 Peter 2:18-25

All of us know what it's like to live with tension in relationships.  Whether that tension is produced by the dynamics of authority and submission (as was the case for slaves and masters in today's text or whether it comes from other causes, the heart attitudes that enable us to live as a People of Peace remain the same.

Peter challenges us first to trust God, which enables us to stop striving for control ourselves and experience the peace that comes from relying on His sovereignty & goodness.
Secondly we are challenged to "live for righteousness".  What does that look like?  Jesus summed it up with the command to love God with everything we are and to love others as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-38).

In this message we ask the Holy Spirit to diagnose the condition of our hearts to see whether we are trusting God completely in our circumstances in order to be free to love God and love others as God would have us do.  In keeping with Hebrews 4:12-13, we explore the importance of allowing God to deal with the attitudes of our hearts that get in the way of trust and love.  As we do this, we can become a people of peace with God, peace within as well as peace with others.