Sermon Video

Monday, October 31, 2011

Daniel Part 5 - Faith to Endure

Daniel Part 5 -
Faith to Endure
Daniel Chapter 7

In our final study in the book of Daniel, we look at Daniel's vision of four beasts in chapter 7 - the beginning of the second half of the book which focuses on prophecy. Just as the first half of the book proved the sovereignty of God in current events, the second half establishes the sovereignty of God over everything that will happen in the future. We are reminded of the certainty of our salvation despite the hostility of powers opposed to the rule of God through Christ. As many churches recognise "Suffering Church Sunday", we are urged to support Christians around the world who are persecuted for their faith, to be prepared for the ways we might encounter opposition, and to be encouraged that God's rule in Christ is certain and is coming.