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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daniel Part 3 - Courage and Compassion

Daniel pt 3
Daniel Chapters 3&4

In Daniel chapters 3 and 4 we read of the ongoing saga of King Nebuchadnezzar's realisation of who God is. Having already discovered that God is the revealer of mysteries, Nebuchadnezzar now discovers that God is mighty to save and that God is sovereign over all other rulers and authorities. Through painful discipline he comes to a place of humbling Himself and exalting the God who is above all.

There are many lessons to be learnt from the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in King Nebuchadnezzar's court.  We see great courage in the way these men stood for God and would not allow their lifestyle or their worship to be corrupted.  We see great wisdom in the way they conducted themselves and in their dependence upon God.  We see great faith in God to come through in seemingly impossible situations.  We see great submission both to God and to the human authorities that God placed over them for His own purposes.  We see great compassion in the way that Daniel desired for the conquerer of his people - King Nebuchadnezzar - to repent of his sins in order to avert the discipline God had warned him of.

However the Book of Daniel is not about any of the human characters - it is first and foremost a book about God.  Coming to see and respond to His sovereignty, His power, His wisdom and His grace is the point that this book seeks to bring it's readers to.  It reminds us that even the most powerful and proud - like King Nebuchadnezzar - will one day be humbled and brought to the realisation that God is over all and is right when He judges.  The challenge for us is to stand with courage and compassion to give every person the opportunity to acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord while they have time to be reconciled to Him.  It is a terrible thing to come under the judgement of the King of Kings if you have refused His offer of forgiveness.