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In Romans 1 Paul gives us a great example of what a partner in ministry does. He loves to pray for the Christians at Rome and he longs to visit them so that they can be blessed by each other. In this message we seek to understand how we can do something similar for each other. We want to pray for each other and help each other in being effective ministers of the gospel. We all want to fulfill the Great Commission. We want to represent Christ well and help others come to follow Him and be sure that they have eternal live in Him.
Let's be honest though, we easily get distracted and discouraged and the task of making disciples tends to get left to someone else. How can we develop the kind of passion that Paul had not only for his own ministry but in helping other Christians fulfill theirs?
There's 2 key things we discover about Paul that can be a great help for us. Firstly, he was supremely confident that the gospel works. Regardless of how many people respond, the gospel does have the power to change lives and Paul had seen that power at work over and over again. He was prepared to take the knock-backs, the mockery, the rejection and even violent hostility for the sake of those who would respond in faith, because hearing and believing the gospel is the only way for them to be saved.
The second thing we discover about Paul is the depth of his anguish. We don't like to think that our lives as Christians could be filled with anguish, but that was Paul's experience. In chapter 9 he gives us a glimpse into his heart as he shares his constant sorrow that many of his own people - the Jews - had rejected the Messiah and so rejected salvation. Paul knew how terrible God's judgement on sin will be. He was familiar with Jesus' warnings of everlasting torment. Paul's was not a fleeting concern that only appeared occasionally. It was an ever-present anguish about the fate of his beloved nation that was so deep that he would even trade his salvation for theirs if that were possible. Such love cannot be generated in the human heart, it is a reflection of God's own character. It is what sent Jesus to do what Paul could not as He took the punishment for all who will believe. Paul's task, like ours, is to keep the offer of salvation in front of people to give them the chance to accept it. Not to give up after one attempt. Not to hope someone else does it, but to love people enough that the thought of them spending eternity in hell fills our heart with anguish and drives us to present the gospel with passion and perseverance.
That's what we're going to pray for each other to do. That's what we're going to help each other to do. That's the mission of our church.