Sermon Video

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lives to Learn From pt 5: The Cripple at the Temple Gates

(click for audio)

The story of the healing of the cripple at the temple gates is one of the most memorable in the book of Acts. We love to imagine the joy of being able to walk after 40 years and the life transformation that it would bring in that society. We love to witness the overflowing joy of a former cripple who is "walking and leaping and praising God" as a favourite song describes. 
However that's just the beginning of the miracle. The point of the healing was not a better quality of life for one individual for the remainder of his earthly existence - it was part of God's plan to bring Jesus into focus so that many people would have the opportunity to experience eternal life. The rest of Acts 3 and 4 describe the incredible way that the healing event provided an opportunity for Peter & John to boldly testify about the risen Jesus and to see many people place their faith in Him. 
Are we so excited about the miracle of new life that God has worked in us that our overflowing praise brings Jesus into the view of all around us so they may also be saved? We're reminded in Romans 12 that offering all our lives to God as living sacrifices is our reasonable response of worship to the One who gave it all for our salvation. What will that look like for you? Will you be one like the cripple whose transformed life captures peoples' attention? Will you be like the Apostles who testified about Jesus despite the threats and hostility of those who opposed them? Will you be like the believers who prayed for the Holy Spirit to empower their witness? All are needed in order to see salvation brought to the lost.