Sermon Video

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How Should We Respond When People Hurt Us?

(Click for Audio)

As Peter moves back into the subject of suffering he gives us three great principles to keep in mind when people hurt us: 
  1. Remember God is close to those who suffer and that He is mighty to save. 
  2. Don't respond in kind. Don't return evil for evil, insult for insult. If we do that we destroy the fellowship with God that can sustain us and we frustrate the good work that God intends to perform. 
  3. Be ready to share the reason for our hope. 
Our response to suffering proves the reality that our hope is grounded in something bigger than anything of this world. Those around us need that kind of hope too. As an example of these principles Peter refers to an incident in the life of David before he became king of Israel, which is the subject of Psalm 34. It's a great encouragement to all of us and even contains a hint of the greater example who was (at that stage) yet to come - Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


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What does it mean for us to have the same attitude as the Apostle Paul, who was prepared for be all things to all people in order that some might be saved. We ask ourselves where the people are that need to hear the gospel, what questions are they asking and how do we best communicate in ways that connect to where they are at now.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Running the Race of Life

We conclude our Family Celebration Service with a short message from Hebrews 12:1-3, which urges us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles in order that we may run with perseverance the race Christ has marked out for us.
Brendan is trying to run the race of life, but he finds himself caught up in ropes that he needs some help getting freed from.  His friend Mike lends him a hand, and they discover that there are some things (sins) that are always wrong.  They need to be avoided at all costs and we need to confess and turn away from the ones we already have in our lives.  However there are also things that are not wrong in themselves, but they can hinder us if we have the wrong attitude toward them.  We need to be careful where our true focus and priorities lie, and regularly check our lifestyle to make sure that we are not pursuing the wrong things.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Women of Inner Beauty

(click for audio)

As Peter urges Christians to stand firm against their own inner desires and the pressure to conform to an ungodly world so that they may truly live for Christ, he turns his attention to address some of the particular challenges faced by wives. God's instructions regarding submission are read in our culture as unattractive, unfair and abusive; yet when godly leadership and godly submission are understood and practiced they actually unlock tremendous strength and intimacy in marriage as in all the other areas of life in which they are prescribed by God as His pattern for living and relating.

You might like to check out 'The Story of Ian and Larissa' which we viewed beforehand and referred to during the message.  You'll be moved by their journey.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Men of Understanding

(click for audio)

On Father's day we take some time to consider the radical challenges of 1 Peter 3:7. We discover some principles for relationships that are applied in the New Testament to all people as we seek to become more like Jesus, but on several occasions they are applied specifically to husbands. The challenge is to resist our own sinful desires and external pressures in order to become men of understanding who treat wives - and people in general - with respect as co-heirs in God's gracious gift of life.