Sermon Video

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Discovering Jesus Pt 33 - John 13:13-38

“The Big Let-down” 
John 13:18-38

In this passage from John’s gospel, we see a number of contrasts – friendship & betrayal, failure & restoration, light & darkness.  If we allow our sins & selfishness to control us, we can end up like Judas, who would be better “had he never been born”.  Or we can accept the offer of restoration that Jesus always makes available to us, just as it was offered to Peter on the shore, after Jesus arose & met with him.  In our lives, we have the opportunity to glorify God, showing the world that we are His disciples by how we love each other & others.  We glorify God by revealing more of His glory in our loving lifestyle.  Not that God is made more glorious, but, just as we see a full picture after a close-up, the full picture is revealed.