Sermon Video

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Christian Life in a Hostile World

In this message Pastor Mike Birch explores a number of key biblical passages which first put our life in this world in its right perspective, then provide us with practical advice about how to relate to a world which is increasingly hostile to what we believe and how we are called to live.

We pay particular attention to how the debate over same-sex marriage has been conducted and explore the forces that drive popular morality. Churches and Christians need to be clear on our message: God's love extends to all people.  Regardless of what particular sins we have committed or will commit, we are all sinners in need of God's grace.  All of us need to turn away from our rebellion against God, receive His forgiveness through Jesus Christ and be reconciled to Him as our Lord.

We explore some key biblical texts on the subject, including Jeremiah 29:1-14, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Romans 13:8-14 and 1 Timothy 2:1-8.

In these passages we see a clear picture emerging of a world which is under the authority of Christ, yet many of its inhabitants exist in a state of rebellion against Him.  God the Father has set a time when this rebellion will be brought to an end - a time of final judgement before Christ makes all things new.  In the meantime He waits, giving time for people to accept His offer of reconciliation before judgement takes place.  The Church exists on Earth during this period in order to present this offer to the nations in making disciples, and to be an agency for good which holds back the final satanic rebellion which will take place once the influence of the Church (or the Holy Spirit through the Church) is removed.  There is a "secret power of lawlessness" at work all around us, and people will increasingly turn after teachers (in whatever form they may take) who will tell them what they want to hear.  As such the world will become increasingly hostile to the genuine Christian message and lifestyle.

These Scriptures give us four clear responses to the times we live in:
  1. Live pure lives (Rom 13)
  2. Seek the salvation of the lost (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 2)
  3. Seek the good of our cities, nations and world (Jer. 29)
  4. Pray for all people, especially leaders and governments (1 Tim 2)