Courage to Stand - the Story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Jethro Sobejko
In the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego we see an inspiring story of courage. Faced with certain death these three men would not be cowed by threats, divided loyalties or pressure to conform. They refused to bow down to the king's statue and in the process glorified their God and made a huge impact on those people who witnessed their courage and those who have heard the story through the centuries.
However they could have easily chosen to give in and bow down if they had accepted any of these excuses:
- We will fall down but not actually worship the idol.
- We won’t become idol worshippers, but will worship this one time, and then ask God for forgiveness.
- The king has absolute power, and we must obey him. God will understand.
- The king appointed us – we owe it to him.
- This is a foreign land, so God will excuse us for following the customs of the land.
- Our ancestors set up idols in God’s temple! This is isn’t half as bad!
- We’re not hurting anybody.