Sermon Video

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Finding God's Will

Finding God's Will
(click for audio)

As we move through the journey of life there are moments when followers of Jesus face key decisions. At these times we want to do what God wants for us, but what is that? In this message we explore the basic biblical framework for knowing and doing the will of God. We discover that very often it's the everyday decisions that make the biggest impact on how our lives turn out and the impact we will have on others for eternity. We look at the ways that God has chosen to reveal His will to us for big decisions and small ones; and we are reassured that while we are rightly concerned with our obedience to His will, we can also rely on His sovereignty to achieve His good purposes despite our failures.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

How to Have a Contagious Faith

(click for audio)

There are plenty of things churches could do to help people come to know Jesus and grow in Him. There are some things we must do. In 2 Timothy 2 we read a basic formula for how to have a contagious faith. It's simple: be strong in the grace that is in Jesus, and then look for people to sow that grace into so they can pass it on to others who will pass it on to others... However making a significant investment to build into someone else's life with the truth of God's Word means that we will have to be prepared to say 'no' to other things which consume our attention and resources. What will you invest yourself into - developing a contagious faith that impacts many lives, or chasing after things that perish?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Starting Well on the Path to Leadership

(click for Audio)

Having addressed the Elders who lead congregations, Peter turns to young men, urging them to submit to the kind of Christlike leadership that he has just been describing. Why does the topic of submission keep coming up when the New Testament speaks to relationships within church, community and family? We discover the importance of submission in character development and preparation for leadership. There is a better way than leaders "lording it over" those they lead and others struggling for control - to get their voice heard and their preferences satisfied. That way is godly leadership and godly submission - both demonstrated perfectly in Jesus Christ. One key to appointing & developing godly leaders is to look out for those who have already developed humility and a willingness to submit to others according to God's will.