Sermon Video

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Your Best Next Year

Your Best Next Year
(click for audio)

In the last message for 2012 we are invited to consider what a great next year would look like. Then, after imagining our ideal 2013, we explore 1 Timothy 6:3-21 to see how our own desires stack up against what God describes as being 'great gain' - godliness with contentment. We discover that we are often impacted to a much greater degree than we realise by the values of our culture, and many of us are chasing the same things that Jesus said "the pagans run after", wondering why we do not experience the contentment and joy that we long for. We are encouraged to make a better choice in 2013 - to show the truth that real life is only found in Jesus by pursuing intimacy with Him as our life's greatest ambition and source of our deepest joy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

God Breaks His Silence

In the time of the prophet Malachi God answered people who struggled with the question of why He is seemingly silent while evil people prosper and the prayers of the righteous go unanswered. At that time God promised to come and make things right. This coming would be preceded by a messenger - Elijah the prophet - who would prepare the people to receive Him. 400 years passed and if anything things have gotten worse. Where is God? Why do the evil still prosper and the righteous still struggle? Suddenly God broke His silence in dramatic fashion. Luke 1:5-25 describes for us the way God remained true to all His promises and teaches us to put our faith in God who can do anything and will always remember His people. He continues to act not in our time but in His perfect time for His good purposes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to Have a Christ Centred Christmas

(click for audio)

In this message we take a brief look at the top 4 Christmas stresses identified by a recent UK poll. In contrast, we take a look at 4 responses to Christ that we see demonstrated by each of the characters described in Luke chapter 2. We find that celebrating Christmas the way our society does it can be enormously stressful and leave us dissatisfied despite all we've invested. However if we learn from the example of the first people to experience Christmas, we find it can fills our lives with joy, peace and hope that is infectious. What kind of Christmas will you choose, and how will you protect it from the influence of a society determined to kick Christ out of Christmas?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Many Faces of Jesus

When Peter proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah he was expressing a truth that had been revealed to him by God. However soon after as Jesus was explaining how He would fulfill His mission to save the world it was Peter who tried to correct Jesus, thinking He had it all wrong? Peter's understanding of who Jesus is was not yet complete. He had an idea of Jesus as the conquering King, God's anointed leader, but he had no grasp of the suffering Servant, God's appointed saviour. Similarly to Peter, we can have ideas about Jesus that do not embrace all of who He is. In fact, we can turn our ideas of Jesus into an idol rather than knowing and serving Him in truth. If we want to experience the abundant life only found in Jesus - if we want to bear good spiritual fruit and be confident of eternal life in Him - we must believe in the real Jesus, not a lesser Jesus or an alternative Jesus.