Sermon Video

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Discovering Jesus Pt 44 - John 20:1-18 - Coming to Faith in the Risen King

John wrote his gospel with the expressed intention of helping people come to faith and continue in their faith in Jesus Christ. It is through faith in Jesus that we receive eternal life. But what about Jesus must we believe? There are many opinions about Him, but what must we know and believe in order to be saved? The Apostles were always very clear on this point - it is not enough to know Jesus as anything less than the Risen King - the One who died for our sin and rose again for our eternal salvation. In John 20:1-18 we discover the journey of three people - Mary Magdalene and the Apostles Peter and John - as they are confronted with the empty tomb and the challenge to believe that Christ has indeed risen. We see their different journeys toward faith in His resurrection and are encouraged about the journey that those around us may also be on and the part we can play in helping others come to faith in the risen King.

Discovering Jesus in the Gospel of John pt 44
Coming to Faith in the Risen Lord
John 20:1-18

1)     Introduction – The Importance of Faith in the Risen Lord
a)     Salvation is by Faith
1)     John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son[1]
2)     John 20:30-31
30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may a believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
b)     But what exactly should we believe about Jesus?  Who is it that we are placing our faith in?
1)     John 3 simply talks about believing or not believing “in him”
2)     John 20 talks about believing that He is “the Christ, the Son of God”, but what does that mean?
3)     If you browse almost any bookshop you will come across many different theories about who Jesus really was and what His kingdom is really all about. 
-          Jesus the travelling magician
-          Jesus the moral teacher
-          Jesus the revolutionary, the social campaigner
-          Jesus the mystic
-          Jesus the deluded dreamer
4)     There’s no way that all of these different theories can all be right, so how are we to know for sure what we should believe in order to be saved?
5)     He entrusted that information to a special group of men, who with the help of the Holy Spirit would pass on to others the exact truth of who Jesus is and what we must believe about Him in order to have life in His name and live out that life as witnesses to Him.
-          In Acts 2:42 we read that the early church was devoted first of all to the Apostle’s teaching – it was the foundation of all that they did.  It’s what informed them and guided their practice.
-          In Acts 1 we read the story of how Matthias was appointed as an Apostle to replace Judas the betrayer of Jesus.  An essential qualification of the person to replace Judas was that he must be (in the words of Peter) “one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from John’s baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”
-          It’s interesting that the key thing that Peter mentions was not witnessing to Christ’s teaching, His miracles or even His death, but rather His resurrection.  When you look at Peter’s first sermon, recorded in Acts 2, you see that the bulk of it is concerned with proving from Scripture and from personal testimony that Jesus rose from the grave.
-          In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul makes it very clear that if Jesus didn’t raise from the dead the Apostles must all be liars and the faith of the believers is in fact useless.  He understood the importance of the resurrection in understanding who Jesus is and how He saves us.  That’s why he lists so many different witnesses, so people could be confident in the truth of what he said about it.
6)     If your faith in Jesus does not include the reality of Jesus as your risen Lord and Saviour, then your faith is not saving faith.  It is not life-giving faith.  It is not faith in the real Jesus, but faith in some imaginary, lesser Jesus.  A Jesus unable to save.
7)     It’s easy to believe in Jesus the mystic, or moral teacher, or dreamer, or activist, or even liar.  These false Jesus’ meet their end on the cross, there can be no next chapter for them.  But Jesus’ resurrection proves that He is more than any of those things others try make Him out to be.  Jesus Christ, the Son of God died on the cross, but that was only part of His mission.  He rose again as the first of many, proving that He can save all those who trust in Him, giving us life eternal that no power can snatch away.  So don’t go thinking those lesser things of Jesus, His resurrection makes that impossible. 
c)      Today we are going to meet three people who are going to have their beliefs about Jesus challenged.  These are all people who knew Jesus very well, but not yet well enough.  Their journeys I hope will be an encouragement to us as we think of our own journey of faith and that of the people around us.
2)     The Journey to Faith in the Risen Lord
There were quite a few people involved in the early morning scene in the garden, but John focuses on just three: Mary Magdalene, Peter and himself.
a)     Peter
1)     Hears the news from Mary that the stone has been moved, so he takes off for the garden with John.
2)     John outpaces him, but is too hesitant to go in.  Peter, true to form, boldly enters the tomb and discovers the graveclothes.
3)     We tend to think of the strips of linen as broad bandages wrapped around the body mummy-style! 
-          the jewish burial process did not seek to preserve bodies, but encourage their decomposition while masking the smell. 
-          Strips of linen – probably
(a)   one long, broad strip which went from the feet, over the head and back down to the feet
(b)   the sudarium – the cloth that was around Jesus’ head.  Commonly worn around the neck, it was used either to cover the face or to tie under the chin to prevent the mouth from gaping open.
(c)   Thin strips of linen used to tie the legs together and the arms to the body.
4)     Verse 9 tells us that both Peter and John did not yet  understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.
5)     So what is Peter thinking at this point?  Is he dismayed that the body is missing?  Is he hopeful?  Is he excited?
6)     This passage doesn’t tell us, but in Luke 24:12 we read that after he had seen the graveclothes, Peter went away wondering about what had happened.
b)     John
1)     John really got moving when he heard the news from Mary, he outran Peter to the tomb, but did not go in.  Even when Peter entered, John waited for some time outside.
2)     Finally, he did go in, and when he saw the graveclothes lying there he believed.  What did he believe?  The context makes it clear that he believed that Jesus had risen.
3)     How did he come to that conclusion.  He admits in the very next verse that at that point he didn’t understand from Scripture that it was supposed to be this way.  He simply saw the empty tomb and the way the graveclothes had been left.  While Mary assumed someone else had stolen the body, John knew within himself that Jesus was alive.
c)      Mary Magdalene
1)     She was devoted to Jesus.  He had rescued her from spiritual oppression and had turned her life around.  She became one of the people who travelled with Jesus and supported Him in His work.
2)     She had seen Him suffer brutal torture and humiliation from Jewish and Roman authorities.  She had seen His agony on the cross as hour after hour He hung there in physical and spiritual torment.  She saw Him pierced with a spear and the blood and water flowing which confirmed His death, and then two men who weren’t part of their group took His body and placed it in a tomb.
3)     She spends the Sabbath day in anguish, unable to do anything for the one she loved so much.  Early on the Sunday morning she goes to the garden, hoping to gain entrance to the tomb in order to make sure his body has been properly anointed for burial.  She is probably not aware that Joseph and Nicodemus have already used about 35 kilograms of spices to prepare Jesus’ body.
4)     When she sees the stone already moved from the entrance, she panics and races back to find help.  Peter and John come and examine the tomb, then they leave.  Mary is left – at a loss what to do.  Shattered that she cannot do the one thing she was so desperate to do.
5)     How would you feel if you were in Mary’s position?  If someone you loved so deeply had died so cruelly, and now even His body has been stolen away from you.
6)     As she weeps, she bends down to look into the tomb, and to her amazement there are two angels sitting there, at either end of where Jesus’ body had been.  They ask her why she is crying, which is not so much a question as a gentle rebuke.  It’s almost like saying “Look, here is where His body was lying, here are the graveclothes now empty and neatly arranged – not strewn about as if graverobbers had been here.  How can you be upset?  Don’t you see that He is risen?”
7)     Mary responds by saying “They have taken my lord away, and I don’t know where they have put him”.  She sees Jesus as the victim of these cruel authorities that killed Him and whoever it was that must have taken Him.  She doesn’t see that her lord is really The Lord – He was never a victim, He is the true King on a mission of salvation.  She knows Jesus, but does not yet know Him well enough.
8)     Now Jesus appears, and Mary does not at first recognise Him.  In her mind, Jesus is dead.  There is no awareness that this person could be Him. 
9)     Jesus repeats the gentle rebuke of the angels, but now adds “Who are you looking for?”
10) Mary does not even fully turn to Him, but says in desperation “Sir, if you have carried him away tell me where you have put him and I will get him”.
11) It is only when Jesus calls her name specifically that she turns and realises who He is.  “Rabboni!” she cries. 
12) Jesus’ response is interesting.  He tells her not to cling to Him because He is not yet ascended to the Father.  We’re going to explore that some more next week when we look at the rest of this chapter, but for now I simply want you to be aware that Jesus isn’t telling Mary not to touch Him, more not to hold on to Him.  She needs to let Him go because He has a job for her – to go tell the disciples.  We’ll explore her message more next week.
3)     What does your journey to faith look like?
a)     Peter, John and Mary all started out with a faith in Jesus that was not enough.  They didn’t yet believe in Him as their risen Lord, and so for them His death was a tragic ending.
b)     Confronted with the empty tomb, John believed, yet Peter and Mary still had some working out to do.  Peter was still trying to figure it out, while Mary remained overcome by grief.
c)      Even when Jesus appeared to her, Mary was trapped by her own feelings and expectations.  It was only when Jesus called her name that her eyes were opened to the truth.
d)     As for Peter, we don’t yet know (in the story so far) what will happen with him.  John is still in the process of telling us that story, and he’ll tell us about some more people as well as the story moves toward it’s conclusion.
e)     There may be people in our lives who are like John.  They don’t need a lot of evidence, just enough to believe that Jesus really is who the Bible says He is.  He is God’s Son who came into this world to save sinners.  He died for us and rose again, and by believing in Him we will live eternally with Him.  We just need to get that message out there to give them a chance to hear and believe.
f)       Others might be more like Mary, overwhelmed by circumstances or locked in to expectations about Jesus that fall short of who He really is.  Even when presented with evidence of His true identity as the risen lord over all creation, they are too overwhelmed by life to stop and take in the truth.  Until they hear Him call their name.  What that looks like is different for different people, but somehow Jesus breaks into their awareness and reveals Himself.  These people won’t necessarily take the initiative to investigate the evidence for themselves, but they will stop and open their eyes when Jesus calls them.
g)     You may have people in your life at the moment who are more like Peter.  They’ve encountered Jesus but don’t yet know Him as they should.  They’re still trying to figure things out.  Maybe they are confused about who Jesus is.  Maybe they’re trying to work out what it really means to believe in Him – what does it require of them?  The outcome isn’t yet clear as to where they will go with Jesus.  In the case of Peter, we can look back over the centuries knowing that he did come to believe that Jesus had risen again – He was the guy who preached a sermon about it that I mentioned earlier.  We don’t have the same hindsight when it comes to the people in our lives who are still figuring things out.  So what do we do?
1)     We declare the truth and prove it in what we say and how we live.
2)     We extend the personal invitation of Jesus to those around us who need to hear Jesus speak to them through us.
3)     We pray.  We pray for ourselves that we will be effective witnesses of the Risen Lord, and we pray for others that they will come to believe, and in believing that they will have eternal life.

[1]The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984 (Jn 3:16). Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
 a Some manuscripts may continue to

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Discovering Jesus Pt 43 - John 19:16-42 - Finishing Well

As we continue through John's Gospel, we see Jesus completing the most important and most difficult mission ever attempted or accomplished. Starting out is often easy, finishing well is usually a challenge. How is your journey of discipleship going? The sign over Jesus' head read: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" in 3 languages. It was written in Aramaic, the everyday language of most Jews; in Latin, the language of government; and in Greek, the language of philosophy. We are challenged to live with Jesus as the King of our everyday lives, our civil & religious participation and our system of thinking.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Discovering Jesus Pt 42 - John 18:28-19:16 - Time to Choose Sides

In the trial of Jesus we see Jesus in His roles as Prophet, Priest and King. Why was there such implacable and violent hostility toward Jesus expressed by Jewish authorities and Roman soldiers? We go back to the story of the fall to trace the root of humanity's rebellion against God as the revealer of truth and our rightful ruler. This rejection was what made it necessary for Jesus to come as our Great High Priest, bringing us back into right relationship with God so that we can receive His truth and obey it. There is now a call for allegience - we must either accept our rightful King or continue in our rebellion against Him. God is holding off the day of judgement to allow people time to make this choice, and to allow His children time to offer that choice to those who need to hear of it.

Discovering Jesus in the Gospel of John pt 42
Time to Choose Sides
John 18:28-19:16a

1)     Introduction – The Story so far
a)     Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer – Jn 17
b)     Departure to Gethsemane
c)      Arrest, Illegal night trial before Sanhedrin,disciples scatter
d)     Peter’s denials during the trial before Caiaphas

2)     Why Did Jesus Come into the World?
a)     Down through the centuries teachers in the Church have grouped these reasons together to describe Jesus’ mission in three basic functions:
1)     Jesus came to be our Ultimate Prophet
2)     Jesus came to be our Great High Priest
3)     Jesus came to be our King of Kings
b)     All of these functions are included in the wonderful introduction to the book of Hebrews

Hebrews 1:1-3
In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son (Prophet), whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word (King). After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Priest).
3)     Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King in John 18&19
a)     Read: John 18:28-40 – Prophet and King
1)     Key verse:  Jn 18:37
2)     In effect “I am a king, I have told you so (Prophet), if you are on the side of truth you will believe me.”
3)     Pilate “What is truth” – rejects Jesus as Prophet, therefore rejecting Him as King even though he still tries to get Him off the hook
4)     Believes Jesus to be innocent, maybe even a god-man (Roman superstition), but not the true Prophet and King.  Ultimately, his own popularity and preservation matter more.
5)     How many people think good things of Jesus but can’t come to the point of saving faith? 
b)     Read: John 19:1-16 – Sets the stage for Jesus’ Priestly work as they continue to reject Him as Prophet and King.
4)     The root of rebellion against our rightful King – the Fall
a)     Genesis 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
1)     physical serpent is a picture of the spiritual serpent.  It’s true that snakes have been a pest to humans and we have mostly killed them whenever able to.  That’s just an illustration of the real message here.
2)     Satan, taking the form of a serpent in the story of the fall, is the one who will strike at the offspring of Eve.  The offspring of Satan will be enemies of the offspring of Eve, but it will be one of Eve’s offspring who will destroy Satan.
b)     John 8:42-47
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”[1]

Pretty clear huh!  These are the ones that in our passage today are screaming to Pilate to kill Jesus.  Through them Satan strikes Jesus’ heel – delivering a fatal blow, yet in fulfillment of Genesis three it is actually Jesus who crushes Satan.
5)     The Battle Continues
a)      2 Timothy 2:22-26
b)     2 Corinthians 4:1-6
c)      Ephesians 6:10-20
6)     Time to Choose Sides
a)     First of all, have you accepted Jesus as your Prophet, Priest and King?
b)     Having accepted Jesus in these ways, are you putting into practice by
1)     are you allowing Him to teach you how to live,
2)     free you from sin, and
3)     rule over your life?
c)      Do you recognise that there has to be an obvious difference between those who live under the authority, instruction and ministry of Jesus and those who are captive to do the will of the devil?
d)     Do you remember that even though there is enmity between the Kingdom of God and this rebellious world, we are never to see or treat people as enemies?  Our enemy is Satan and his demonic army.  We seek to rescue their captives by proclaiming the truth in word and deed; and by praying – primarily for each other that we would proclaim and for the lost that they would repent and believe.
7)     Conclusion – The Testimony of Paul to King Agrippa
a)     Acts 26:13-19
b)     May God grant us the grace to be obedient to the command of Scripture in the same way that Paul was obedient to the vision God gave him – that we will see eyes opened and people turned from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those sanctified by faith in Jesus.

[1]All Scriptures from The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Discovering Jesus Pt 41 - Jesus Prays for All Believers

In this message we discover the assurance that we can have in prayer as we learn to pray in line with God's will. As Jesus models it for us in this prayer we find guidance for how to live and how to pray as God's people.

Discovering Jesus in the Gospel of John pt 41
Jesus Prays for All Believers
John 17:20-26

1)     Jesus’ prayer is for our instruction
a)     Bruce Almighty?  One of the many blunders Bruce made as he attempted to do God’s job better than God does, was to set up an autoreply to answer every prayer “yes”.  Since most of our prayers are selfish, unwise or both, the result was a disaster!  Of course God does not answer “yes” to every prayer, yet the Bible says we can be confident that He will always say “yes” when we pray in accordance with His character and will.  How can we be confident to do that?  By paying attention to the prayers of Scripture for our instruction.
b)     Personal Story – the principles we will discuss today have been an enormous help for us as we’ve prayed for our friend who has suffered a massive heart attack this week.
c)      Jesus is teaching us in this passage how to pray and how to live.  We know that Jesus prayed in complete agreement with the Father’s will; and so we know that the Father is pleased to grant everything that Jesus prays for.  (If you’re not confident of that, re-read John 15 & 16!)
d)     That’s why I am certain that God will grant everything I prayed for earlier in our service, because everything I prayed for comes straight from the Bible which is His revealed will. 
e)     Do you want to be confident in prayer?  Learn to pray the Bible!  When you get the prayer updates and as you pray through the church directory; as you pray for people in your life and other things God brings to your attention – pray what the Bible teaches you to pray and be confident that you will have it.
f)        Can I ask for things the Bible doesn’t specify?  Absolutely!  But keep in mind biblical models and principles to line your prayers up with.  They keep our priorities and perspective right so that we can be in tune with God’s character and will.
g)     Resources
i)        Lockyer’s “All the prayers of the Bible”. 
ii)      Just read through your New Testament and highlight the prayers it contains.  (O.T. prayers are great examples too, but you need to remember to consider how Jesus’ ministry affects the content of those prayers.)
2)     Jesus’ prayer for all believers is a continuation of His prayer for the Apostles (v.20a).
a)     “not for them alone” – we are included in the previous prayer, most clearly in vv13-19
b)     Don’t neglect to pray this prayer for each other – it is essential!
3)     The foundation of our unity with each other and the first Apostles is faith in Jesus Christ (v.20b)
a)     “those who will believe in me through their message” – this is clear teaching from Jesus about who belongs to Him – those who believe in Him according to the true gospel message which was delivered to us by the Apostles.
b)     That’s why we need to be clear about where authority comes from in all matters of faith and conduct.
c)      Matthew 24:24
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.
d)     Galatians 1:6-9
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned! [1]
e)     It doesn’t matter who’s doing it or what signs are supporting it – anything other than the true gospel is a deception of the devil and unable to provide eternal life.
f)        I have dear brothers and sisters in Christ with whom I disagree with on certain points of doctrine, but we are united in our faith in Jesus Christ.
g)     One of my regular highlights is to gather for prayer with ministry colleagues from the surrounding area.  I love these guys and I love praying with them – our differences are no barrier to that.  We might not work together closely on certain things, but we can on others. 
h)      Please don’t ever fall into the trap of beating up on other parts of the body.  Speak truth in love, but make sure that it’s coming from genuine love and not fear or pride!
i)        As long as we hold to the one true gospel, we are one in Christ.
4)     The experience of unity – connection not conformity (vv21-23a)
a)     How does the world produce a sense of unity among a group?  Through conformity.  There’s enormous pressure to conform to ways of dress, speech, interests, possessions and so on.  Birds of a feather flock together!
b)     How does God produce unity in the Church?  Jesus tells us right here!
c)      Keep in mind the teaching of Jesus to His disciples just a few moments earlier on – the image of the vine and the branches.  That’s what He’s referring to here – that we may be connected to Him like a branch is connected in to a vine.  It’s obvious that there is only one vine with many branches, because they are all connected to Jesus, and through Jesus to each other. 
d)     Another way to think of this is to imagine the body that we read about in 1 Corinthians 12:12
12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.
e)     There is only one Head that controls the body, but there are many different parts that have different functions.  What matters is not that all the parts are the same, that would be a disaster!  What matters is that we are all connected to the Head, who is Christ.
f)        The image of the body work at all levels of Christian community.  The universal Church is one body with different parts.  The regional Church is one body with different parts.  Each local congregation is one body with many parts.  Every ministry team is one body with many parts.  The simple message is that we work in unity under the direction of Christ.  That’s how people see God in us.  That’s how God is glorified – not in us all being the same but in us all having the same love.  Connection, not conformity.
5)     The effect of unity – witness to the world (v.23b)
a)     So that the world may know that Jesus has come as our Saviour.
b)     So that the world may know that love God has for us is the same love that He has within Himself between Father, Son and Spirit.  Wow!  Think about that for a minute!
6)     Ultimate Unity – being home with God (v24-26)
a)     Jesus wants us to be with Him!
b)     Think about it – of course that’s what’s best for us.
c)      The only reason He leaves us in the world for a time is to give us the opportunity to share the message of salvation.
Romans 10:14-15
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
d)     How does this affect your prayer life and your priorities in life?
7)     Conclusion – The Prayer of Jesus answered in you
a)     Live it!  Be aware of how God is at work in you to answer it.
b)     Pray it!  Use it as your model.

[1]All Scriptures from The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.