Sermon Video

Monday, October 25, 2010

Discovering Jesus Pt 20 - John 7


The Story of Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles provides still more evidence that Jesus is the Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament - the One who fulfilled all that came before. 

The Feast of Tabernacles is a wonderful celebration of God's provision, and Jesus reveals Himself to the crowds in Jerusalem as the ultimate provision from God - the One through whom we can receive eternal life.

However not everyone received Him as such.

This message continues to explore the picture that John builds in his gospel of Jesus, and it also challenges us to declare the truth of Jesus as boldly as He himself does in this story, know that many will reject Him and us, but that some by the grace of God will believe in Him and receive life from Him.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Discovering Jesus Pt 19 - John 6:25-71

This message is entitled "Jesus is the Bread of Life", but it could easily have been called "Read the Signs!!". After miraculously feeding over 5000 people, Jesus rebukes those who came searching for Him simply because they saw He could meet their physical needs. The purpose of the miracle was not the satisfaction of a physical hunger, but to demonstrate that He is the One who can satisfy our hunger for real life, life eternal.

Using the story of the Israelites in the wilderness as a backdrop, Jesus describes Himself as Bread from Heaven - the One sent by God the Father to bring life to all who feed on Him not by literally eating His flesh and drinking His blood as some misinterpreted Him as saying, but by believing that it was in His giving up His life for us that He delivered us eternal life. Jesus allowed His body to be lifted up on a cross. He allowed His blood to be shed. Why? So that he might deliver us from sin by taking it upon Himself and destroying it through His death on the cross.

The question for us is whether we are reading the signs correctly or whether we, like the crowds in John 5&6, are distracted by our demands for Jesus to satisfy our temporary needs & desires. Do we want the real life that Jesus came to give, or do we want to simply use Jesus to make our lives easier or better according to our own desires? The first is on offer to all who will receive it, the second is not as this passage clearly explains.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Discovering Jesus Pt 18 - John 6:16-24

In this message we take a look at some of the fascinating story leading up to Jesus walking on the water, and explore what meant for the disciples to be part of that experience.  It leads us to ask ourselves how we are experiencing God in the midst of our lives, and what faith-building stories we are accumulating that move us to worship and trust Him more.